So is this the kind of excuse/defense therapists sometimes employ after abusing clients (and possibly have lawsuits filed against them by such clients ), and after clients ask a therapist to address ethical issues with them honestly and openly, in order to prevent and possibly reverse client harm or abuse? Blame the client for a (supposed) disease they have? A disease that is possibly mis diagnosed (or fabricated) by the therapist? Instead of therapist honestly addressing simple issue(s) in a non blaming fashion regarding mis communication or mis understanding (or real or perceived client abuse)? At any rate, what hard scientific data or proof do psychologists have, as to the existence of BPD in any such client, other than the subjective observation of the therapist in question? And possibly one other person’s subjective observation, an expert witness hired by said therapist in an administrative law or civil proceeding? Show me the studies. Another question. Please show me any study, which lays out factually and scientifically, any given number of therapists who have been sued by clients who suffer from BPD, NPD, HPD, ASP, and which also scientifically demonstrate, that such lawsuits were filed sololy as a result, of one or any combination of the above personality disorders of such a client filing such a grievance or suit. I would also like to see if any scientific studies exist, in which clients who bring up ethical issues with therapists, the number of such issues resolved privately and appropriately in therapy session, and the number of such ethical issues brought up during the course of therapy resulted in destructive counter-transference of therapist toward client, which resulted in therapist blaming the client for her or his own malpractice or incompetence, and either mis or fraudulent diagnosis of the client resulting in a defense of incompetent actions of therapist, and the number of suits/greviences filed against therapists as a result. I would also like to see if such a study as the last can truly be conducted in an un biased fashion by industry researchers, given the fact that it would be in the psychotherapy industry’s self interest, to not perform such an unbiased study which may very well demonstrate that such lawsuits filed against therapists are the result of mass incompetence in the psychotherapy industry, instead of the previous post’s (Carroll R. Thomas’) assertion of imagined abuse and phony lawsuits filed by crazy BPD, NPD, HPD, ASP clients against therapist.
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